Infografia won a competitive tender to deliver communication and design assets for the Department of Home Affairs’ Issuing Body Reform (IBR) project. This initiative rolled out the Singular Issuing Body (SIB), AusCheck, and the Critical Infrastructure Security Centre (CISC), ensuring seamless communication of critical updates to stakeholders in the aviation, naval, and maritime sectors.
To achieve this, Infografia created a comprehensive suite of communication materials and videos. We evolved existing brand guidelines to craft modern, sophisticated, and engaging designs that maintained consistency and alignment with the brand. Our work addressed both internal and external communication needs, supporting the project’s broader rollout and engagement strategy.
One standout deliverable, a precisely designed video, played a pivotal role in the communication plan. It effectively conveyed key messages to diverse stakeholder groups, ensuring alignment with the project’s objectives and reinforcing the importance of the reforms.
This collaboration showcases how strategic design and communication drive understanding and support for complex reforms. Infografia’s adaptability and delivery of high-quality, targeted materials highlight our commitment to excellence in supporting national security initiatives.